1 Peter 4



1 Peter 4 emphasizes living for God's will, using spiritual gifts for the benefit of the community, and understanding the reality of suffering for being a Christian. Peter encourages believers to approach suffering with a Christlike mindset, rejoicing amid challenges and continuing to do good.


  1. Living for God's Will (1 Peter 4:1-6): Peter encourages believers to arm themselves with the mindset of Christ, being prepared to suffer in the flesh and live for God's will. He emphasizes the importance of breaking away from past sinful behaviors and aligning with God's purposes.

  2. Using Spiritual Gifts (1 Peter 4:7-11): Peter urges believers to be clear-minded and self-controlled in their prayers, showing sincere love for one another. He emphasizes the use of spiritual gifts for the benefit of the community, emphasizing hospitality, speaking God's words, and serving with God's strength.

  3. Suffering for Being a Christian (1 Peter 4:12-19): Peter addresses the reality of suffering for being a Christian, encouraging believers to rejoice in their shared participation in Christ's sufferings. He reminds them that such suffering is a cause for blessing and that they should entrust themselves to a faithful Creator while doing good.

