1 Thessalonians 3



1 Thessalonians 3 highlights Paul's deep concern for the Thessalonians, his decision to send Timothy to strengthen their faith, and the joy he experiences upon receiving a positive report about their steadfastness during challenges. Paul expresses his longing for a reunion and offers prayers for their continued growth in love and holiness.


  1. Sending Timothy to Strengthen and Encourage (1 Thessalonians 3:1-5): Paul expresses his concern for the Thessalonians and his desire to know about the state of their faith. Fearing that the tempter might have tempted them and that their labor might be in vain, Paul decides to send Timothy to encourage and strengthen them in their faith.
  2. Timothy's Positive Report (1 Thessalonians 3:6-10): Timothy returns with good news, reporting that the Thessalonians have a strong and sincere faith. He speaks of their love and fond remembrance of Paul, Silas, and Timothy. The report brings great comfort and joy to Paul, who is encouraged by their faith amid trials.
  3. Paul's Prayer for Reunion (1 Thessalonians 3:11-13): Paul expresses his longing to see the Thessalonians face to face and to complete what is lacking in their faith. He prays that God and the Lord Jesus would direct their way to Thessalonica. Paul also prays for the Thessalonians' love to increase and for them to be established in holiness, blameless before God at the coming of the Lord.

