2 Corinthians 2



2 Corinthians 2 focuses on themes of forgiveness, reconciliation, and the nature of Paul's ministry. Paul encourages the Corinthians to extend forgiveness to those who have caused grief, shares his own relief and joy upon hearing positive news from them, and emphasizes the sincerity and purity of his ministry in contrast to others.


  1. Forgiveness for the Offender (2 Corinthians 2:1-4): Paul refers to a painful incident he previously mentioned (likely from his first letter) that caused grief to both him and the Corinthians. He encourages them to forgive and comfort the individual involved, expressing his own forgiveness and love for them.
  2. Ministry in Troas (2 Corinthians 2:5-11): Paul explains his decision to visit Troas, even though he had an open door for ministry there, saying that he was anxious due to the absence of Titus and concern for the Corinthians. When he finally meets Titus in Macedonia, he learns of the positive impact his first letter had on the Corinthians, which brings him relief.
  3. Triumph in Christ's Train (2 Corinthians 2:12-17): Paul describes the nature of his ministry, expressing gratitude to God for leading him in triumph in Christ's train. He contrasts his ministry with those who peddle the Word of God deceitfully, emphasizing sincerity and purity in his proclamation of the Gospel.


