2 Corinthians 9



2 Corinthians 9 continues the discussion on generous giving, encouraging the Corinthians to fulfill their commitment with cheerfulness and highlighting the principles of sowing and reaping. Paul emphasizes the broader impact of their generosity in fostering thanksgiving to God and promoting unity among believers. The chapter concludes with a recognition of the ultimate gift—the salvation found in Christ.


  1. Encouragement to Give Cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:1-5): Paul informs the Corinthians about his boasting to the Macedonians regarding their eagerness to give. He encourages them to fulfill their promise of contributing to the collection for the saints, so that the Macedonians and Paul himself would not be put to shame.
  2. Principles of Generous Giving (2 Corinthians 9:6-11): Paul lays out principles for giving, emphasizing that those who sow sparingly will reap sparingly, and those who sow bountifully will reap bountifully. He encourages cheerful giving, highlighting that God loves a cheerful giver. He also assures them that God will provide them with the resources they need for continued generosity.
  3. Thanksgiving for God's Indescribable Gift (2 Corinthians 9:12-15): Paul expresses gratitude for the Corinthians' obedience in contributing to the needs of the saints. He sees their generosity as not only meeting practical needs but also producing thanksgiving to God and fostering unity among believers. Paul concludes the chapter by praising God for His indescribable gift, likely referring to the gift of salvation through Christ.


