Acts 13



Acts 13 narrates the commissioning of Paul and Barnabas for missionary work, their ministry in Cyprus and Pisidian Antioch, the proclamation of the Gospel to both Jews and Gentiles, and the subsequent persecution they face. This chapter sets the stage for the broader Gentile mission and the spreading of Christianity beyond its Jewish origins.


  1. Commissioning of Barnabas and Saul (Acts 13:1-3): In the church at Antioch, the Holy Spirit directs the believers to set apart Barnabas and Saul (also known as Paul) for the work to which God has called them. They are sent off on the first missionary journey, beginning a pattern of intentional evangelism to the Gentiles.
  2. Ministry in Cyprus (Acts 13:4-12): Barnabas and Saul travel to Cyprus. They proclaim the Word of God in synagogues, encounter a false prophet named Bar-Jesus, and witness the proconsul Sergius Paulus coming to faith. Paul also performs a miraculous judgment on Bar-Jesus, temporarily blinding him.
  3. Ministry in Pisidian Antioch (Acts 13:13-52): From Cyprus, the missionaries move to the region of Pisidia. In the synagogue of Antioch, Paul delivers a powerful sermon, recounting the history of Israel and explaining how Jesus fulfills the promises. The Gentiles respond eagerly to the message, while some Jews reject it. The missionaries are then expelled from the region, but they shake the dust off their feet and move on to Iconium.
  4. Persecution and Joy (Acts 13:50-52): The Jewish leaders stir up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, leading them to Iconium. However, the disciples are filled with joy and the Holy Spirit, continuing their mission despite opposition.

