Ephesians 3



Ephesians 3 unfolds the revelation of the mystery of Christ, emphasizing the inclusivity of God's plan for salvation. It concludes with a prayer for spiritual strength, grounded in the immeasurable love of Christ and the desire for believers to be filled with the fullness of God.


  1. Mystery of Christ Revealed (Ephesians 3:1-13): Paul speaks of the mystery of Christ, emphasizing that God's plan for salvation is now revealed to both Jews and Gentiles. He acknowledges his role as a messenger of this mystery and the unity that comes through Christ.

  2. Prayer for Spiritual Strength (Ephesians 3:14-21): Paul concludes with a prayer for the Ephesians, asking God to strengthen them with power through the Holy Spirit. He emphasizes the vast love of Christ, surpassing knowledge, and prays that they may be filled with the fullness of God.

