John 10



This chapter in John emphasizes the relationship between Jesus and his followers, using the imagery of a shepherd and his sheep. Jesus presents himself as the Good Shepherd who provides protection, guidance, and salvation. The division among the Jews underscores the growing opposition and misunderstanding surrounding Jesus' identity and mission.


  1. The Good Shepherd and the Sheepfold (John 10:1-6): Jesus uses the metaphor of a sheepfold and a shepherd to describe the relationship between him and his followers. He contrasts himself with false shepherds, declaring that his sheep know his voice.
  2. The Good Shepherd's Care (John 10:7-21): Jesus declares, "I am the door of the sheep," emphasizing that he is the exclusive way to salvation. He further describes himself as the good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep, in contrast to hired hands who flee in times of danger. Jesus speaks of his intimate knowledge of his sheep and their recognition of his voice.
  3. Division Among the Jews (John 10:22-42): The narrative shifts to a scene in Jerusalem during the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah). The Jews demand clarity from Jesus about whether he is the Messiah. He responds by affirming his unity with the Father and asserting his divine identity. The people are divided, some accusing him of blasphemy, while others question his sanity.

