John 15



This chapter is rich in metaphorical language, conveying the importance of remaining connected to Jesus, abiding in his love, and fulfilling the command to love one another. It also addresses the challenges the disciples will face in the world and introduces the promise of the Holy Spirit as a guide and witness.


  1. The Vine and the Branches (John 15:1-11): Jesus uses the metaphor of a vine and branches to illustrate the relationship between him and his disciples. He emphasizes the importance of abiding in him, comparing those who remain connected to the vine to fruitful branches that bear much fruit. Jesus underscores the necessity of love and obedience, stating that abiding in his love brings joy and fulfillment.
  2. The Command to Love One Another (John 15:12-17): Jesus gives his disciples a new commandment: to love one another as he has loved them. He emphasizes the sacrificial nature of this love and declares that friendship with him involves obeying his commands. Jesus chooses and appoints his disciples to bear lasting fruit.
  3. The World's Hatred (John 15:18-27): Jesus warns his disciples that the world will hate them because it hated him first. He encourages them to testify about him, and he promises the coming of the Advocate, the Spirit of truth. Jesus speaks of his impending departure but assures them that the Advocate will testify about him.

