Luke 12



In Luke 12, Jesus addresses themes of hypocrisy, trust in God's provision, the danger of greed, and the importance of readiness for future judgment. The teachings highlight the values of humility, spiritual awareness, and a focus on eternal priorities.


  1. Warning Against Hypocrisy (Luke 12:1-3): Jesus warns his disciples to beware of the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and underscores the eventual exposure of hidden things.
  2. Fear God, Not People (Luke 12:4-7): Jesus encourages his followers not to fear those who can harm the body but to fear God who has ultimate authority. He reassures them of God's care and knowledge of each person.
  3. Acknowledging Jesus Before Others (Luke 12:8-12): Jesus emphasizes the importance of acknowledging him before others, promising that the Holy Spirit will provide guidance and words when needed.
  4. The Parable of the Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-21): Jesus tells the parable of the rich fool who accumulates wealth but fails to recognize the brevity of life. God calls him a fool for storing up treasures for himself but not being rich toward God.
  5. Do Not Worry, Trust in God (Luke 12:22-34): Jesus advises against worrying about material needs, emphasizing trust in God's provision. He encourages seeking God's Kingdom first, promising that necessary things will be added.
  6. Readiness for the Son of Man (Luke 12:35-48): Jesus teaches about the importance of being ready for the return of the Son of Man. He uses the imagery of servants waiting for their master to illustrate the need for vigilance and faithful service.
  7. Division Because of Jesus (Luke 12:49-53): Jesus speaks about the division that his message will bring, even among family members, and how interpreting the signs of the times is crucial.
  8. Interpreting the Times (Luke 12:54-59): Jesus encourages the crowd to interpret the signs of the weather but also urges them to discern the signs of the present time, emphasizing the need for repentance.





1. Anyabwile T. M. (2018). Exalting Jesus in Luke. Holman Reference.