Luke 19



Luke 19 features the transformative encounter with Zacchaeus, the parable of the ten minas emphasizing faithful stewardship, Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the cleansing of the temple, and challenges to Jesus' authority. The chapter underscores themes of repentance, accountability, humility, and the recognition of God's visitation.


  1. Zacchaeus the Tax Collector (Luke 19:1-10): Jesus encounters Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector, in Jericho. Despite Zacchaeus' unpopular reputation, Jesus chooses to dine at his house. Zacchaeus repents, pledging to give half of his possessions to the poor and repay fourfold those he has wronged. Jesus declares salvation has come to Zacchaeus' house, illustrating the transformative power of repentance.
  2. The Parable of the Ten Minas (Luke 19:11-27): Jesus tells a parable about a nobleman who goes away and entrusts ten minas (a unit of money) to his servants. Upon his return, he rewards or punishes them based on their faithfulness. The parable emphasizes accountability and the expectation of fruitful stewardship in the Kingdom of God.
  3. The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (Luke 19:28-44): Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey, fulfilling the prophecy of the Messiah's coming in humility. The crowds welcome Jesus with praises, shouting "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!" but Jesus weeps over the city, predicting its destruction due to not recognizing the time of God's visitation.
  4. Cleansing the Temple (Luke 19:45-48): Jesus enters the temple and drives out those who were buying and selling, condemning the misuse of the sacred space. He declares the temple should be a house of prayer, and His actions provoke opposition from the religious leaders.





1. Anyabwile T. M. (2018). Exalting Jesus in Luke. Holman Reference.