Luke 6



In Luke 6, Jesus challenges traditional interpretations of religious laws, selects his twelve apostles, and delivers a sermon that outlines key principles of Christian living. The chapter underscores themes of authority, discipleship, and the transformative nature of Jesus' teachings.


  1. Jesus and the Sabbath (Luke 6:1-11): Jesus and his disciples are criticized by the Pharisees for picking and eating grain on the Sabbath. Jesus responds by asserting his authority over the Sabbath, stating that the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. He also heals a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath, further challenging traditional interpretations of Sabbath laws.
  2. Choosing the Twelve Apostles (Luke 6:12-16): Jesus spends the night in prayer before choosing twelve men as his apostles. This group, known as the Twelve, includes well-known figures like Peter, James, John, and others.
  3. The Sermon on the Plain (Luke 6:17-49): Jesus delivers a sermon with similarities to the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew. He pronounces blessings on the poor, hungry, and persecuted, contrasting them with the woes on the rich and well-fed. Jesus teaches about love for enemies, non-judgmental attitudes, and the importance of bearing good fruit. He concludes with the analogy of building one's house on a solid foundation.
  4. Parables and Teachings (Luke 6:39-49): Jesus uses various parables and teachings to convey important lessons. He speaks about the blind leading the blind, the importance of a good tree bearing good fruit, and the wise builder who builds on a rock. These teachings emphasize the need for discernment, moral living, and a strong foundation in following Jesus' words.





1. Anyabwile T. M. (2018). Exalting Jesus in Luke. Holman Reference.