Mark 3



Mark 3 highlights the growing opposition Jesus faces, both from religious leaders and even his own family. It also marks the selection of the twelve apostles, who play a crucial role in the continuation of Jesus' ministry. The chapter underscores themes of authority, the spiritual nature of family, and the significance of doing God's will.


  1. Healing on the Sabbath (Mark 3:1-6): Jesus enters a synagogue where there is a man with a withered hand. The Pharisees watch to see if Jesus will heal on the Sabbath, intending to accuse him. Despite their scrutiny, Jesus heals the man, leading to the Pharisees' plot to destroy him.

  2. Crowds Follow Jesus (Mark 3:7-12): Large crowds from various regions, including Galilee, Judea, Jerusalem, Idumea, and beyond the Jordan, follow Jesus. He heals many and casts out unclean spirits. Jesus instructs the unclean spirits not to reveal his identity.

  3. The Appointment of the Twelve Apostles (Mark 3:13-19): Jesus goes up on a mountain and calls twelve men to be his apostles, designating them to be with him and to preach. The list of apostles includes Peter, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot.

  4. Jesus' Family Concerned (Mark 3:20-21, 31-35): Jesus' family, hearing about the crowds and the controversies surrounding him, comes to take charge of him, thinking he is out of his mind. Jesus asserts that his true family consists of those who do the will of God.

  5. The Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (Mark 3:22-30): The scribes accuse Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Beelzebul. Jesus refutes this argument and warns against blaspheming the Holy Spirit, declaring such a sin to be unforgivable.

  6. Jesus' True Family (Mark 3:31-35): While Jesus is teaching, his mother and brothers arrive, seeking to speak with him. Jesus responds by emphasizing that those who do the will of God are his true family.


