Mark 7



Mark 7 highlights Jesus' emphasis on the internal condition of the heart and challenges traditional views about ritual purity. It also illustrates Jesus' compassion and willingness to extend healing and grace beyond the boundaries of ethnicity or religious background.


  1. Defilement Comes from Within (Mark 7:1-23): Pharisees and scribes criticize Jesus for not following the tradition of ceremonial handwashing before meals. In response, Jesus criticizes them for prioritizing human traditions over God's commandments. He emphasizes that true defilement comes from within, from the heart, rather than external actions. He teaches about the significance of purity of heart and condemns hypocrisy.
  2. Healing the Syrophoenician Woman's Daughter (Mark 7:24-30): Jesus travels to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Gentile woman, a Syrophoenician, approaches him, asking for healing for her demon-possessed daughter. Initially, Jesus seems to refuse her request, stating that his mission is to the Jews. However, impressed by her faith, he grants her request and heals her daughter.
  3. Healing a Deaf and Mute Man (Mark 7:31-37): Jesus returns to the region of the Decapolis, where a deaf and mute man is brought to him for healing. Jesus takes the man aside, touches his ears and tongue, and speaks a command. The man is healed, and the people are astonished, proclaiming that Jesus does all things well.


