Matthew 9



Matthew 9 continues to showcase Jesus' authority over illness, death, and demonic forces. It highlights his interactions with a variety of people, including sinners and outcasts, and emphasizes the need for compassion and the call to repentance. The chapter also introduces the idea of Jesus as the compassionate shepherd leading and caring for his people.


  1. Healing a Paralytic (Matthew 9:1-8): Jesus forgives and heals a paralyzed man brought to him by friends. The religious leaders question his authority to forgive sins, but Jesus demonstrates his authority by healing the man physically.

  2. Calling of Matthew and Eating with Sinners (Matthew 9:9-13): Jesus calls Matthew, a tax collector, to be one of his disciples. Later, Jesus shares a meal with Matthew and other tax collectors and sinners, leading to criticism from the Pharisees. Jesus responds by emphasizing the importance of mercy and calling sinners to repentance.

  3. Question about Fasting (Matthew 9:14-17): John the Baptist's disciples question Jesus about fasting. Jesus responds with analogies, indicating that while he is present, it is a time of celebration, but there will be a time for fasting after his departure.

  4. Healing a Woman and Raising a Girl to Life (Matthew 9:18-26): Jairus, a synagogue leader, seeks Jesus' help for his dying daughter. On the way, a woman with a chronic bleeding issue touches Jesus' cloak and is healed. Despite the news of the girl's death, Jesus goes to Jairus' house and raises her to life.

  5. Healing the Blind and Mute (Matthew 9:27-34): Two blind men approach Jesus for healing, expressing faith in his ability. Jesus restores their sight. He also casts out a demon, allowing a mute man to speak. The crowds marvel, but the Pharisees accuse Jesus of using demonic power.

  6. Compassion for the Crowds (Matthew 9:35-38): Jesus travels through towns and villages, teaching, preaching the gospel, and healing the sick. He is moved with compassion for the crowds, likening them to sheep without a shepherd. Jesus urges his disciples to pray for more workers for the harvest.

