Romans 1



Romans 1 introduces the themes of the letter, including the power of the Gospel, the universal sinfulness of humanity, and the need for God's righteousness. Paul emphasizes the universality of sin and sets the stage for his detailed exposition of the Gospel and its transformative impact on human lives in the subsequent chapters.


  1. Introduction and Greeting (Romans 1:1-7): Paul begins by introducing himself as a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle and set apart for the Gospel. He addresses the recipients of the letter, the Christians in Rome, expressing his desire to visit them.
  2. Thanksgiving and Prayer (Romans 1:8-15): Paul expresses gratitude for the faith of the Roman Christians, their reputation for faithfulness, and his eagerness to impart spiritual gifts to them. He shares his desire to preach the Gospel in Rome, demonstrating his sense of obligation to both Jews and Gentiles.
  3. The Power of the Gospel (Romans 1:16-17): Paul declares the central theme of the letter: the power of the Gospel for salvation. He states that the Gospel reveals the righteousness of God and is the means by which people are justified through faith. This theme sets the stage for the subsequent theological discussions in the letter.
  4. God's Wrath against Sin (Romans 1:18-32): Paul transitions to a discussion of humanity's sinfulness and the righteous wrath of God. He argues that all people, whether Gentiles or Jews, have suppressed the knowledge of God and exchanged the truth for idolatry. As a result, God's wrath is revealed against all ungodliness and unrighteousness. Paul describes various forms of sin and moral decay, emphasizing that sin leads to further sin and separation from God.

