Romans 10



Romans 10 emphasizes the accessibility of righteousness through faith in Christ, the universal nature of salvation for all who believe, and the crucial role of proclaiming the Gospel. Paul wrestles with the reality of Israel's rejection of the message, underscoring the importance of faith and the proclamation of the Word for salvation.


  1. Righteousness by Faith (Romans 10:1-4): Paul expresses his deep desire for the salvation of his fellow Jews and emphasizes that righteousness is achieved not through the law but by faith in Christ. Christ is the end of the law for righteousness for everyone who believes.
  2. The Message of Faith (Romans 10:5-13): Paul contrasts the righteousness that comes by faith with the righteousness based on works of the law. He explains that the message of faith is near, easily accessible through confession and belief. There is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
  3. The Need for Preachers (Romans 10:14-21): Paul underscores the importance of preaching and the role of those who bring the message of salvation. He argues that people need to hear the Gospel, and faith comes by hearing the Word of Christ. However, not all have obeyed the Gospel, as Isaiah prophesied. Israel, despite having heard the message, did not all believe. Paul concludes that God reached out to the Gentiles, and they responded, but Israel, though invited, did not heed the call.

