Romans 13



Romans 13 underscores the importance of submitting to governing authorities, paying taxes, and living ethically as an expression of Christian love. The chapter emphasizes the Christian's responsibility to be a positive and law-abiding citizen in society, all the while embodying the transformative power of Christ's love in their interactions with others.


  1. Submission to Authorities (Romans 13:1-7): Paul instructs believers to submit to governing authorities, emphasizing that these authorities are established by God. Resistance to authorities is, in essence, resistance to God. The purpose of government is to maintain order and justice, and believers are called to pay taxes and give honor to whom it is due.
  2. Love Fulfills the Law (Romans 13:8-10): Paul stresses the centrality of love, stating that it fulfills the law. Love for one's neighbor, he argues, leads to the avoidance of actions that harm others and fulfills the ethical principles laid out in the commandments.
  3. Living in the Daylight (Romans 13:11-14): Paul calls believers to live as children of the day, putting aside deeds of darkness. He encourages them to walk properly, avoiding carousing and drunkenness, and instead, putting on the Lord Jesus Christ.

