Romans 3



Romans 3 underscores the universal sinfulness of humanity and introduces the concept of justification by faith. Paul emphasizes the need for a righteousness that comes from God and is accessible through faith in Jesus Christ, leveling the playing field for both Jews and Gentiles in the context of God's impartiality.


  1. Jewish Advantage and God's Faithfulness (Romans 3:1-8): Paul addresses the question of whether the Jews have any advantage. He acknowledges that there is great value in being entrusted with the oracles of God. However, he argues that the unfaithfulness of some Jews does not nullify God's faithfulness.
  2. Universal Sinfulness (Romans 3:9-20): Paul reiterates the universal sinfulness of both Jews and Gentiles. He quotes several Old Testament passages to emphasize that no one is righteous on their own, and all are under sin. The purpose is to show the need for righteousness that comes apart from the law.
  3. Righteousness through Faith (Romans 3:21-31): Paul introduces the central theme of justification by faith. He declares that the righteousness of God is revealed apart from the law, and it comes through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. This righteousness is available to both Jews and Gentiles alike. Paul emphasizes that no one can boast in their own works, as all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Justification is a gift received by faith, not earned through works of the law.

