Romans 4



Romans 4 underscores the principle of justification by faith, using the example of Abraham to illustrate that righteousness comes through faith in God's promises rather than through adherence to the law. This chapter sets the stage for Paul's continued exploration of the significance of faith in the life of a believer.


  1. Abraham Justified by Faith (Romans 4:1-8): Paul argues that Abraham, the patriarch, was not justified by works but by faith. Quoting Genesis 15:6, Paul emphasizes that Abraham believed God, and his faith was credited to him as righteousness. This is not based on works but on God's gracious act.
  2. Circumcision and Faith (Romans 4:9-12): Paul addresses the question of whether Abraham's justification came through circumcision or before it. He explains that Abraham received the sign of circumcision as a seal of the righteousness he had by faith before being circumcised. This signifies that righteousness is not dependent on adherence to the law.
  3. Promise and Faith (Romans 4:13-25): Paul continues to explain that the promise to Abraham and his descendants did not come through the law but through the righteousness of faith. Abraham is the father of all who believe, both circumcised and uncircumcised. Paul emphasizes that Abraham's faith was in God's promise, and he was fully convinced that God was able to fulfill what He had promised. This faith was credited to him as righteousness. Paul concludes by noting that the same principle of faith applies to believers in Jesus Christ, who was delivered for our sins and raised for our justification.

