Romans 6



Romans 6 underscores the transformative power of the believer's union with Christ. Through faith and baptism, believers experience a death to sin and a newness of life in Christ. Paul emphasizes the freedom from sin's dominion and the responsibility to live in obedience to righteousness, highlighting the profound impact of God's grace on the Christian life.


  1. Freedom from Sin (Romans 6:1-14): Paul begins by addressing a potential misunderstanding: that grace gives believers a license to sin. He emphatically rejects this notion, arguing that those who have died to sin cannot continue to live in it. Through baptism, believers are united with Christ in His death and resurrection. The old self is crucified with Christ, and the new self is raised to walk in newness of life. Believers are no longer slaves to sin but have the freedom to live for God.
  2. Slaves to Righteousness (Romans 6:15-23): Paul addresses the contrast between being slaves to sin and being slaves to righteousness. He emphasizes that obedience to righteousness leads to sanctification and eternal life. Sin pays its wages in death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. The chapter concludes with the powerful statement that believers, once slaves to sin, have been set free and are now slaves to God, resulting in sanctification and, ultimately, eternal life.

