Romans 7



Romans 7 describes the tension between the law and sin in the life of a believer. It acknowledges the struggle to obey the law and the need for freedom through faith in Christ and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. The chapter sets the stage for the victorious message of liberation and transformation in the subsequent chapters of Romans.


  1. The Law's Authority (Romans 7:1-6): Paul uses the analogy of marriage to illustrate the believer's relationship to the law. He explains that believers are no longer bound by the law because, through faith in Christ, they have died to the law and are now free to belong to Christ. The law still has a purpose, but believers are released from its condemnation.
  2. The Struggle with Sin (Romans 7:7-25): Paul acknowledges the goodness of the law but points out that sin takes advantage of the law to produce disobedience. He describes the internal struggle within himself, recognizing the tension between the desire to do what is right and the presence of sin that leads to wrongdoing. Paul expresses the frustration of the inner conflict, highlighting the inability of the law alone to bring victory over sin.
  3. Freedom through Christ (Romans 7:25-8:4): Paul concludes the chapter by expressing gratitude for the deliverance from the struggle with sin through Jesus Christ. He acknowledges that while the law itself is good, it cannot provide the power needed to overcome sin. Only through faith in Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit can believers find true freedom and victory over sin.

